Sim File Maid

Registry Tweaks

Sometimes ya want or need to fiddle with things. Ok, I understand that. For this reason I've broken out a lot of the previously-hardcoded value data into the Windows Registry. I STRONGLY urge you not to change these values unless you know what you're doing. You'll lose two Karma points and void your warranty on The Maid. I recommend always running the latest version if you're going to monkey with these. All of the values are under HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\VB and VBA Program Settings\Sim File Maid\Settings\

NOTE: If you're using a fairly recent version of Sim File Maid, a lot of these options are able to be tweaked under the "?" Button or right-click menu.

Where to put stuff

SimsObjectPath = "GameData\UserObjects"

This value is relative to SimsPath, and dictates where Objects are stored. Names end in ".iff"

SimsSkinPath = "GameData\Skins"

This value is relative to SimsPath, and dictates where Skin data files are stored. Names end in ".skn", ".cmx", ".bmp"

SimsFloorPath = "GameData\Floors"

This value is relative to SimsPath, and dictates where Floors are stored. Names end in ".flr"

SimsWallPath = "GameData\Walls"

This value is relative to SimsPath, and dictates where Walls are stored. Names end in ".wll"

SimsArchivePath = "Downloads"

This value is relative to SimsPath, and dictates where Objects are stored. Names end in ".far"

Where The Sims is Installed

SimsPath = "C:\Program Files\Maxis\The Sims\"

This is where The Maid believes The Sims to be installed. If there is a value in "HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Maxis\The Sims\InstallPath" or "\SIMS_DATA", this will trump any entry you diddle here. This is to allow you to reinstall The Sims and have The Maid correctly assume where the stuff is. Thems the breaks. IF you create a key called "ForceMyPath" and set its value to "yes", The Maid will take this value over all else. Don't do this unless you understand the ramifications.


LogLevel = "verbose"

The Maid logs information to a file called SimFileMaid.log. That file is wherever you installed The Maid too. These values allow you to twiddle what The Maid does and doesn't log.

"off" - turns logging off altogether
"errors" - only logs errors
"skips" - Only logs skipped files
"verbose" - Logs everything except debugging crap (default)
"debug" - Very crazy, you probably don't want this. The output of this will also widely vary build-to-build depending on what (if anything) I'm looking at these days. I may ask users to use this setting if they're having a problem I can't track down.

Other Values

ConfirmOverwrites = "no"

Can be set to "yes" to force The Maid to ask you before replacing files with the same name. As of 2.2.21, setting this to "reject" will automatically not replace files with the same name. Diddling the "Confirm Overwrites" box in the Options Menu will replace this with a "yes" or "no" respectively.

SkipEXEs = "no"

Can be set to "yes" in order to force The Maid to skip over EXE files altogether. EXEs are logged (if logging isn't disabled) for convenience.

ForceMyPath = "no"

See SimsPath.

RackChoice = <filename>

Starting in Sim File Maid 2.0, there is a new element on The Maid's screen called "The Rack". How "The Rack" is displayed is user configurable. As of Sim File Maid 2.2, the value corresponds to a file that resides in the "racks" folder of the Sim File Maid folder.

LangChoice = "lang.0eng.txt"

Starting in Sim File Maid 2.0, there is now the ability to support languages other than English. This key specifies which you are using.

UpdateCheck = "no"

Starting in Sim File Maid 2.1, there is now the ability for The Maid to check every 3 days for new updates. By default this is off. If you would like this feature on, you can change this to "yes". The UpdateDays key described below sets the number of days to wait between checks. Default as of 2.1.5 is 3, previously it was 7.

LastUpdateTime = <some datestamp>

This field is used to record the date/time that The Maid Updater last downloaded an update. This is used so that The Maid Updater only checks every 7 days. Don't diddle with this, there is no need. If you want to force an update check, just use the on-demand "Check for Updates Now!" option in the option menu (right-click on The Lawn, or click the "?" Button).

UpdateDays = 3

This field is used to specify the UpdateCheck interval in days. New in 2.1.5.

ShowRack = "yes"

New to 2.2.5, this option controls whether or not The Rack is visible.

TrashCMXWithSkinIfUnused = "no"

New to 2.2.10, this option controls whether or not the CMX(s) being used by a BMP are deleted when the BMP is deleted in The Rack dialog, if it (the CMX(s)) is not being used by any other BMPs. BIG HAIRY NOTE: Change this to "yes" at your own risk. It has been tested and is used by at least quite a few people, but it is still very unsupported.

BadZipAlertBox = "yes"

New to 2.2.26, this option controls whether or not The Maid generates a pop-up message box if she encounters a bad/corrupt zip file. Setting it to "no" disables the message box. This does not effect the logging of the BAD ZIP event.


Sim File Maid is not supported or endorsed by Maxis or Electronic Arts. Although if they'd like to use/improve/distribute/support/endorse it, I'd be happy to work with them on such an endeavour. But I'm not begging or anything. Really. Just sayin'.