
Sim File Maid 2










Version 1.0 Build 2

The Maid is Dead! Long Live The Maid!

Yeah, I capitulated. Despite promising myself never to make a version of The Maid for The Sims 2, the overwhelming amount of requests combined with the whinings of certain friends combined with Maxis' seeming unwillingness to allow users to install all of the downloadable file types, has led to its release. I expect this to be the only build.

If you're used to Sim File Maid, Sim File Maid 2 is a snap. Drag your zips/rars with downloadable goodies onto The Lawn and she'll do the rest. For file types that Maxis actually has installer technology for, The Maid will "double-click" the file for you. So if you see weird boxes pop-up, it's probably The Sims 2 Installer.

Some of the items on the left-navigation-bar point to SFM1 information because:

  1. They're essentially the same
  2. It's getting close to 2:00am
  3. I dislike this program

Sim File Maid 2 supports the following file-types:

  • .sims2skin*
  • .sims2pack*
  • .package
  • .zip
  • .rar

File-types denoted with an asterisk (*) are actually installed by Maxis' Installer thing. The Maid will "double-click" the files for you, however, to automate the process.

Don't contact me for installation/usage problems. Read the license you agreed to when you installed The Maid, and didn't read.




Sim File Maid 2 is not supported or endorsed by Maxis or Electronic Arts. Although if they'd like to use/improve/distribute/support/endorse it, I'd be happy to work with them on such an endeavour. But I'm not begging or anything. Really. Just sayin'.