Category Archives: Linuxy

Merging Filesystems Virtually Under Apache

Synopsis This is rather old code, but saved my bacon more than once. Runs under Apache with Mod_Perl, and “merges” any number of filesystems. You’ll see the @docroots array that takes a list of “document roots”. These all need correct … Continue reading

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Use MongoDB

So an Anonymous Coward’s pastebin rant against MongoDB has an awful lot of legs. I circulated a few thoughts yesterday morning to head-off the inevitable concerns of “um, we’re doing a lot with Mongo, and now I’m nervous”: [It] really … Continue reading

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Open Response to Open Letter to the Netatalk Community

I can’t help but notice that you seem to think yourself above some pretty important facts with the coup you appear to be attempting towards Netatalk. First, and most importantly, while there are currently only a small handful of devs, … Continue reading

Posted in Coding, Linuxy, Opinions | 6 Comments

Dear MongoDB

Dear MongoDB, I would like to use the positional operators you have for updates, ala ‘user.$.name’, in the field selectors for queries, ala find({“”: “Matt”},{“user.$.address”}) such that I can see only the fields of that sub-document/sub-object in my return data … Continue reading

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Congratulations Xen

Xen is now in the mainline kernel, where KVM has been since Feburary 2007. Xen is still a completely separate kernel, with completely separate interfaces. Xen may now be in Linux, but still is not Linux.

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A Perl Thread-Pool

UPDATED: 9/5/2013 to use better Thread::Queue::dequeue_timed in lieu of sleep. I’ve been doing a lot of large-system coding with Perl ithreads lately.  This thread model has been scaling very well on very high-throughput operations in conjunction with well-placed yield() calls … Continue reading

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Installing OpenQRM 4.7 on Fedora 14

OpenQRM 4.7 doesn’t compile cleanly on Fedora 14 (x64, but I don’t think that matters for this bug), and coercing it to do so isn’t the cleanest trick. The problem is actually with Busybox 1.14.2 that is automatically downloaded and … Continue reading

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Droid 2 First Look

I’ve had a Droid 2 Global for a bit now, but hadn’t switched my active number over from my original Droid, until yesterday… After a solid day with it, I generally mostly like it. Pros: Much MUCH faster. Keyboard is … Continue reading

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As you may or may not have heard, some monkeys  at Google have been working on a “new” language called Go. Several features of the language interested me, and as such I’ve spent around 200 hours writing and debugging in … Continue reading

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Disposable Appliance Computing

[NOTE: This essay was commissioned by a client in February 2007. It’s the first in a series of old-yet-relevant position-papers whose exclusivity has expired, that I’m editing and posting] The hosted systems industry has turned another critical point. Several years … Continue reading

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