The long-awaited release of Nagios Tray 3 has arrived. This version has been gutted and large swaths rewritten using Visual Basic 2010 (from VB6) reducing the size, memory usage, code complexity and dependencies greatly. The .NET 3.5 runtime will be needed. Nagios Tray 3 is configuration-compatible with Nagios Tray 2, providing a smooth transition. The source, as always, is included as “” in the installer.
- Now runs on Windows XP, Vista and 7 or any server platform that can run .NET Framework 3.5 or newer.
- Completely overhauled, moving code from VB6 to VB.NET 2010: The equivalent of upgrading from Windows 98 to Windows 7 in one swoop.
- Large swaths of code replaced with API or .NET equivalents, reducing complexity greatly.
- Only one non-framework dependency, and no IE widget used anymore.
- Massive performance improvement.
- Include a speechlib redistributable to ease deployment. May still need speech packs to have more voices.
- The NagiosTray icon mouseover will now only display the first 63 characters of the current status text, instead of the first 127 it used to. This limit is a Microsoft tray icon tooltip length limitation in .NET, not mine. No complaining.
- Moved code that converted bitmaps to icons from the timers into the loader with some global variables, saving a few cycles at the expense of a few bytes of RAM, but hopefully appeasing GDI when the renderer is off.
Even though .NET reduces file size signifigantly, VB 6 was still a lot easier to code in.
Agreed, however Windows 7 forced my hand, as there were numerous problems 1) installing VB6 at all, 2) getting anything requiring OLE to compile cleanly, 3) using anything using the old IE OLE object. So, yeah.
Believe me, I wouldn’t have “upgraded” if I didn’t have to.